Jul 2, 2012

我們來玩 Apps 吧!

文/ 林洺呈、李曉恩
同步刊登:ITI電子報第45期ePAPER Vol.45

What Apps?

為了讓這次分享的主題比較聚焦,我們將這次主題的 Apps 專注在隨身存取裝置上面的應用程式。就如同我們在智慧型手機或平板電腦上面運作的遊戲或是行事曆相關軟體。

Why Apps???

相信大家一定覺得為什麼生技社團這次活動要討論 Apps。平板電腦與智慧型手機的盛行,我們發現開始在上面運作的軟體中,有越來越多健康管理的服務透過 Apps 投遞給使用者,此外有許多醫療器材接上了智慧型手機或平板電腦;這些軟硬體的相關產品出現之後,我們也注意到販售的營運商業模式跟以往不太一樣,甚至是非常創新的商業模式。我們認為這是未來的機會,所以帶到這次活動來討論。

Jun 1, 2012


What’s the management case?


「為想 2001 年創業時,只有兩個女生實現薰衣草田與咖啡店夢想。開業至今,已進入第八年了,公司也從開始一團混亂、盲目摸索與遇到問題再想辦法解決問題的經營方式,到現在導入有系統的經營管理模式。對公司能有今天的成績,自己也感到相當的驕傲,如今也算是成為一個具有制度的公司了。但王執行長的腦中卻不時地回想著過去的展店經驗,心理思考是否能藉由這些經驗,對管理公司未來的成長帶來什麼樣的啟示?」個案內文引用


  • 休閒產業概況
  • 薰衣草森林的發跡
  • 企業價值觀、願景與經營模式
  • 組織管理活動與發展能力
  • 薰衣草森林展店過程
  • 未來的事業成長與策略

What I learned from the management case?


Jan 1, 2012

Medical Tablet PC: MioCARE

MioCARE, which was launched on 5 September, is the first medical tablet PC. It was designed by MiTAC International Corp., MitTAC Informational Corp., and National Yang-Ming University. It is equipped with 320 million pixels camera, 6-inch touch screen, and wifi. Besides, medical staff can sterilize it with 75% alcohol. Now, it is running in Taipei City Hospital, and some medical staff use MioCARE for their daily work.

MioCARE has three medical systems. The first thing is the long-term care system. There are a lot of long-term care assessment scales in the system such as comprehensive geriatric assessment(CGA), activity of daily living(ADL), and instrumental activity of daily living(IADL). The second thing is the hemodialysis care system. The staff of hemodialysis center can record the vital signs of patients in the MioCARE, and the manager can over view all of patients’ vital signs. The third thing is the chemotherapy drug delivery system. Medical staff can use MioCARE’s camera to read bar code of the patient and his medicine for making sure the patient follows his prescription, and they can use it to read the patients’ prescription.

MioCARE has three core functions such as reading & writing, reminding staff, and checking prescriptions. First, medical staff can read or write some information on MioCARE. Second, MioCARE can remind medical staff to follow the SOP or to deliver medicine to patients. Third, medical staff can use MioCARE to quickly make sure the patient follows his prescription.

When medical staff implement some of MioCARE features, it stops the necessity for paperwork. However, staff must use this, instead of paper. Unless hospitals have a policy to reduce the use of paper, it will be useless. Moreover, MioCARE makes medical staff can get real-time information, but only few care services need real-time data. Although, the some features of MioCARE are pretty good. One is that it can be sterilized by 75% alcohol. Another is that medical staff use it to quickly make sure the patient follows his prescription. To sum up, I think these are core advantages in a medical market.

Reference:MioCARE醫療平板 健康智慧全Hold住!